welcome to user's cafΓ©

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I'm just a regular person with ADHD, autism, and Dyslexia who loves drawing especially Obey Me Beelzebub. If you want to talk with me talk with me on Discord or Tumblr. Be patient and understand that I'm not mostly active on my social media platforms I easily get feeling anxious I hope I can make friends if I'm confident (I'm an introvert as well), thank you πŸ₯

If you support problematic and harmful stuff such as racism, anti-LGBT, and huge political. If you talk about uncomfortable stuff with me don't follow me


name/nickname Robine <3
prns she/they
age adult ( not comfortable to reveal my real age )
gender Demi girl sexuality Demisexual Biromantic
race & ethnicity Pakistani
language .. English ( still learning )
relationship: Taken ✨πŸ₯


Obey Me, memes that are funny for me, cats, birds, dogs, and drawings
Yeah cause I'm a silly person

Very gore and pornography ( okay with suggestive art and fics ) problematic ships, racist and offensive stuff, believe in AI art and NFT

not recommended ..

Love is on the menuπŸ°πŸ“


姓名 + Beelzebub
姓名 + Beelzebub
姓名 + Beelzebub
姓名 + Beelzebub
姓名 + Beelzebub

++ I also love other Obey Me characters and other fictional characters from other anime. That gluttony demon is living in my head forever 😡

Hope you have a nice day